Venessa Beecroft: There are various different types of Power. The power I’m interested in it the power to influence opinion and culture, at the cost of bringing about revolution.
Mariko Mori: My work is a revelation of thought. I positively enjoy projecting the esoteric gesture through the inner world.
Lieko Shiga: When I was dancing like a child, I would become a cat or princess. It was fictional, yet real too. Taking pictures is a very similar process. I turn dreams into reality.
The photography is a proof they actually exist.
Matthew Stone: Art has right to do anything.
Giordano Bruno: Istnieje niezliczona ilość słońc, wokół tych słońc poruszają się niezliczone ziemie, podobnie jak siedem planet obiega nasze Słońce. Te światy są zamieszkiwane przez żyjące istoty.
David Bowie: To, co robię nie ma granic.
Ewa Sonnenberg: Really?
Cao Fei: It’s impossible for us to live entirely in reality
Feja Beha: What’s the best way to spend a day for you?
© Ewa Sonnenberg